Finance for Non-Financial Managers Programme – Part 1
This programme focuses on providing a comprehensive understanding of key finance concepts for non finance non-managers from accounts production and interpretation to budgeting and forecasting and audit. This is Part 1 of the programme and covers the first 4 modules.
Who is this for?
This course is for anyone who wants to understand more about the contents of a set of accounts, the various principles that underpin their generation the financial.
What will you learn...
The Statements
- what the main financial statements are and what they represent
- the key elements of the different financial statements
- the different levels of profit in a P&L and why they are important
- the different terms within a balance sheet and what a balance sheet shows
- the relative benefits and drawbacks of different methods of finance
- what impacts the formation of the chart of accounts for a business and why miscellaneous is never a good thing.
The Principles
- what the financial rules and guidelines are when producing financial information
- what constitutes Capital expenditure and Operating expenditure
- how depreciation and amortisation work in a range of different situations and the impact on the accounts
- the impact on the financial statements of an accrual, a prepayment, accrued income and deferred income
- case studies to bring the theory to life.
- case studies to bring the theory to life.
Introduction to Control and Audit
- What is the role of the auditor?
- Internal vs External Audit
- What is Audit and Assurance?
- What are accounting and auditing standards?
- Focus on Risk: Processes and Controls
- Working with audit teams efficiently
- Getting the best from your auditors to meet business objectives.
Company Accounts and The Annual Report
- Risk identification, cost overrun, delays, performance
- The various terms involved in share issue and the financial implications
- Why cashflow is so important within an organisation
- The rules underpinning the preparation of a set of accounts
- The rules underpinning the preparation of a set of accounts
- The impact of lease accounting on the financial statements
- The process for accounting for provisions and contingent liabilities
- The key ratios used to analyse business performance
- The format of a company’s annual report.
Book You Course Now
Course ID: FIN03
Duration: 5 days
Course fee: £3,900.00

Meet your Tutor
Patrick opio
Project Managment Proffessional and trainer with nearly 20 years UK and overseas experience in planning and project controls.