Public Private Partnerships
This course enables participants to understand the design, financing, procurement, implementation, and monitoring of Public Private Partnerships through standards that are widely recognized and consistently applied. It outlines the terms used, process sequences and roles involved in PPP’s
Who is this for?
- Government officials responsible for planning, managing, and monitoring PPP programs in all sectors
- Bankers and financiers involved in sponsoring and financing PPP transactions
- Executives and managers involved in developing and operating PPPs
- Agency officials responsible for planning and financing PPPs
- Consultants, professors, and other professionals
What will you learn...
Introducing and scoping the PPP concept
- Definition of a PPP for the purpose of this PPP Guide
- The main characteristics of a PPP
Alternatives for infrastructure finance and procurement. What is and what is not a PPP?
- The main conventional or publicly-financed procurement methods (for example, Build; Design and Build [DB]; Engineering, Procurement and Construction [EPC] contracts) and what differentiates them from PPPs
- Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Maintain (DBFOM) project and how can it be funded
- Infrastructure management contracts Vs PPPs
- How PPPs are different from other methods of procuring infrastructure.
Types of PPP and nomenclature issues
- Different types of PPPs.
- Variations of PPP concept by countries/jurisdictions
- Public infrastructure and how it influences PPP
- Sectors and projects appropriate for PPPs
Motivations for using PPPs
- Reasons or motivations for using PPPs
- Selection, preparation and transparent tender processes
- The use of Frameworks in promoting PPP approach
- Difficulties in developing PPPs
Typical structure of a PPP
- Main elements of a PPP contract and the different roles
- Structure of a PPP contract: upstream structure and downstream structure
- PPP payment mechanism
How PPPs are financed
- Sources of funds and types of PPPs
- ateral Development Banks (MDBs) and Export Credit Agencies (ECAs)
- Considerations for the procuring authority regarding financial aspects.
- Potential pitfalls and concerns.
Reasons for Project failure
- Project success criteria and why projects fail
- Acceptable projects for PPP
PPP framework concept and consideration
- The need for a proper framework to succeed with PPPs
- Why a private partner cares about frameworks and PPP markets
PPP framework concept and consideration
- The PPP process cycle and the main phases.
Book You Course Now
Course ID: FIN05
Duration: 5 days
Course fee: £3,900.00
Meet your Tutor
Patrick opio
Project Managment Proffessional and trainer with nearly 20 years UK and overseas experience in planning and project controls.